2014. No. 2 (28)
Information systems and technologies in business
Alexander Baranov - Deputy CEO, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Main Research Computing Center (GNIVC) of Federal Tax Service of Russia” Address: property 3, bdg. 1, Pohodnyi proezd, Moscow, 125373, Russian Federation. E-mail: baranov.ap@yandex.ru
The paper elaborates a philosophical vision of the “information security management efficiency” concept. The concept is based on presentation of information as content of interacting systems’ reflection. This approach allows considering from a unified point of view the issues of information protection for technical, computer, social and political systems. The key point of the concept is formulation of systems’ interaction goals that may by profoundly different for different parts of the interaction. The concept of information security management is proposed to be interpreted as management of the state of sufficiency of ensuring of information transfer that occurs during interaction of the systems. This definition is a special case of the traditional concept of system management, if the system is considered as a set of interacting objects performing the reflection process. The approach expands the traditional view on information security management presented in the standards of various Russian and international organizations. The common approach appears to be a special case based on risk assessment or statutory regulations. In turn, the W.R. Ashby’s law appears to be applicable for evaluation of the information security management process, as a particular case of the system management process. The approach allows discovering new possibilities to improve managing system efficiency for operative level of management. An example of the Portal for Government Services as government agency’s systems interaction with citizens is discussed. The conclusion about weak information protection of the people’s system in the process of mutual reflection of a government agency and society has been drawn. As a possible way to increase management effectiveness it is recommended to employ the potential of the self-regulatory organizations.
Roman Vasiliev - Professor, Head of Department of Information Systems Strategic Management, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: rvasiliev@hse.ru
Galina Levochkina - Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems Strategic Management, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: glevochkina@hse.ru
The purpose of IT consulting is to provide recommendations pertaining to information system strategic management, IT architecture evaluation, design and development, enterprise business process automation project management and many other issues relating to the use of computers and information technologies. Success in this field depends predominantly on insight of factors, which realization enables to concentrate resources in those areas where a provider can get a significant edge over major rivals and gain the best position in a target market. However at present there is no universal, generally accepted tool to determine such factors. This paper suggests an approach to determine corporate critical success factors for providers of IT consulting services and formulates relevant approached-based preparation and implementation recommendations. We consider such sources of critical success factors as industry-specific characteristics of IT consulting, characteristics of general environment (economic, political, social and technological), timing factors, competitive strategy and position, specifics of IT consulting service provider’s management structure and specifics of IT consulting areas. Based on analysis of these sources we suggest sets of success factors which constitute an underlying information basis for critical success factor selection procedure. Activities to identify corporate critical success factors are suggested to be implemented in the project format. For each project phase basic tasks defined, and recommendations are articulated for implementation of relevant activities, as well as composition and content of project documentation. These outputs may be used by providers of IT consulting services in the process of identification of corporate critical success factors, as well as by consulting firms involved in implementation of such projects. |
Software engineering
Efim Grinkrug - Associate Professor, Software Management Department, School of Software Engineering, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: egrinkrug@hse.ru
The paper presents a component-oriented software architecture implemented for the Java-platform and to support event-driven calculations. The component model used extends standard JavaBeans component model’s dynamic capabilities and supports composite components composition at runtime without code generation. It has been shown that in the standard JavaBeans component model the dynamic component composition is associated with a shift from the object-oriented programming used to develop basic components to the prototype-based programming style when dealing with composite components. A generalized concept of object type has been proposed that enables to operate uniformly both with the basic components and with the components composed dynamically. The implementation of the object type generalization proposed relies on the additional virtualization level that provides an execution environment for software components defined in accordance with the component model described. Different implementation details for object types the environment operates with are considered along with operations it provides. The method to create composite components dynamically involving transformation of the composite prototype into the instantiable type of composite objects has been proposed. Composite components instantiations enable more efficient (in terms of time and memory space) applications functioning in contrast to composite prototypes cloning. The dynamically defined composite components can be used in object-oriented manner along with basic components both to implement applications functionality and as elements of composite prototypes compositions to be transformed into new composite components. The proposed component based architecture can be used to support user defined types implementations in declarative modeling languages. |
Business processes modeling and analysis
Eduard Babkin - PhD in Computer Science, Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation E-mail: eababkin@hse.ru
Anna Buzueva - Student, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation E-mail: anna.a.buzueva@gmail.com
Kira Logvinova - PhD in Mathematics, Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics Address: 25/12, Bolshaya Pecherskaya str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation E-mail: klogvinova@hse.ru
The article considers a problem of controversy analysis in business processes, and offers a solution of this problem proving the readers with the illustration based on the analyzing of complex healthcare business processes by the formal approach of relational logic. The approach suggested should facilitate efficiency of management in municipal healthcare organizations, specifically focusing on the aspect of quality improvement of integrated healthcare services for elder people. The scientific method of analysis is based on the particular formalism of relational logic which is implemented in the language of a widely used logical tool - MIT Alloy Analyzer. For business-process modeling we use a prospective approach of enterprise ontology and particular modeling methodology DEMO (Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations). That methodology allows for complete and unbiased description of the constructional model of modern enterprises. Analysis of DEMO models provides for detailed understanding of management processes and plays the foundational role in business reengineering and the developing of business-aligned ICT-infrastructure. An important part of our research includes developing the formal specifications of created business-process models which are suitable for application of formal verification methods. Aimed at the improving reusability of the developed methods of translation from DEMO models to the language of MIT Alloy Analyzer, a new meta-model of DEMO transactions was created. Given the meta-model developed and real-life business processes of municipal healthcare enterprise we have built formal models of business-processes and have carried out their analysis of logical consistency including the temporal aspect. |
Valentine Zharov - Professor, Head of Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Institute for Information Sciences and Security Technologies, Russian State University for the Humanities. Адрес: 6, Miusskaya square, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation. E-mail: valcon@mail.ru
Julia Taratukhina - Associate Professor, Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: jtaratuhina@hse.ru
The paper dwells on major specifics of an informational and educational environment operation in modern higher education. At present education is becoming increasingly open and accessible, not closing in on countries and states. And one of the key emerging issues is educational communication of various cultural groups in e-learning environments (ELE). The online transformation of a number of learning processes enables not only to make a learning process independent of territorial parameters, but also to ensure its flexibility in terms of learning schedule. However students of different cultural backgrounds do not always share the same vision of the learning process: they have different world patterns, information processing strategies, types of educational discourse, etc. The article outlines several formal representations of the learning process and its implementation in informational & teaching environments (ITE). In the paper educational communication in ELEs is referred to as a space of interacting micro-, macro-, and cultural environments, and a principle of organizing the educational content in the ELE is presented in the context of cultures interaction. It is contemplated that ELE content will be derived according to rules, adjusted to student's cultural and cognitive specifics We also represent a principle of organizing the educational content in IEE in the framework of different interacting cultures. We believe that the content of IEE will be derived according to the output rules, adjusted to a student's cultural and cognitive specifics. In the future, as a practical output, we intend to propose a methodology of mapping a student’s individual educational trajectory in a multicultural learning environment. Modal classification of cultural environments (David B. Zilberman), minimum dictionaries (Bertrand Russell) and simulation of student’s activities have been applied as major tools to study the contemporary learning environment. |
Data analysis and intelligence systems
Ekaterina Chernyak - Post-Graduate Student, Department of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, School of Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: echernyak@hse.ru
Boris Mirkin - Professor, Department of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, School of Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: bmirkin@hse.ru
Many semantic text analysis problems employ string-to-text relevance measures. Research paper annotation problem is no exception. In general, research papers are annotated according to a system of topics, organized as a taxonomy, a hierarchy of topics (or concepts). For example the papers, published in journals of the international Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the most influential organization in the Computer Science world, are annotated according to the Computing Classification System taxonomy (ACM CCS). String-to-text relevance measures should be used to automate the research paper annotation procedure since taxonomy topics are strings ant research papers or any of their constituents are texts. A relevance measure maps a string–text pair to a real number. The meaning of the mapping depends on the relevance model under consideration. Under any model, the higher the relevance value, the stronger the association between the string and the text. This paper explores the use of phrase-to-text relevance measures to annotate research papers in Computer Science by key phrases taken from the ACM Computing Classification System. Three phrase-to-text relevance measures are experimentally compared in this setting. The measures are: (a) cosine relevance score between conventional vector space representations of the texts coded with tf-idf weighting; (b) a popular characteristic of the probability of “elite” term generation BM25; and (c) a characteristic of the symbol conditional probability averaged over matching fragments in suffix trees representing texts and phrases, CPAMF, introduced by the authors. Our experiment is conducted over a set of texts published in journals of the ACM and manually annotated by their authors using topics from the ACM CCS. Applying any of the relevance measures to an article results in a list of taxonomy topics sorted in the descending order of their relevance values. The results are evaluated by comparing these sorted lists and lists of topics assigned to articles manually. The higher a manually assigned topic is placed in a relevance based sorted list of topics, the more accurate the sorted list is. The accuracy of the computational annotations is scored by using three different scoring functions: a) MAP, b) nDCG, c) Intersection at k, where (a) and (b) are taken from the literature, and (c) is introduced by the authors. It appears, CPAMF outperforms both the cosine measure and BM25 by a wide margin over all three scoring functions. |
Vasily Korf - Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer Systems in Economics, Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University. Address: 62, Tchaikovskogo str., St. Petersburg, 191123, Russian Federation. E-mail: vasilykorf@gmail.com
This article deals with analysis of the competitiveness of leading Russian universities. On May 7, 2012 President of Russian Federation issued Executive Order No. № 599 “On Measures to Implement State Policy in Education and Science”, which involves the development of leading universities, increase their competitiveness among the world's leading universities. The results of an experiment on the evaluation of competitiveness of Russian universities using the principal components method are presented in the paper. Competitiveness assessment is required for a variety of operations, projects and processes. The principal component method helps to solve the problem of heterogeneity and incommensurability of indicators to measure competitiveness, enables to select leading factors of variation of random variables studied and to reduce the dimensionality of the data. The source data for the evaluation of the competitiveness of universities have been aggregated from the official websites of universities, the admission quotas, examination results, resume database, documents of the RF Ministry of Education and Science. There are 14 indicators, that characterize the universities in terms of entrants (entry criteria) and graduates (exit criteria). The study findings clearly show the relationship between the selected indicators and competitiveness of universities. Therefore, high values of input indicators are usually associated with high output performance, but they do not guarantee a high rate of competitiveness of the university. High requirements for applicants do not guarantee a high level of training of graduates and their relevant employment. |
Ainura Kasymalieva - Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems in Economics, Faculty of Management and Information Technologies in Economics, Institute of Management and Business, Kyrgyz State Technical University Address: 66, Mira pr., Bishkek, 720044, Kyrgyz Republic. E-mail: aisu@rambler.ru
In the paper key elements of strategic analysis based on expert estimates are considered. The analysis is executed using a computer based information system of SWOT analysis, which gives a real assessment of own resources and opportunities of a university, with respect to conditions (requirements) of the environment in which it operates. The aim of the research is to develop a methodological approach, targeted on permanent improvement of quality of services provided by a university, due to flexible university management based on strategies developed using experts’ opinions. The proposed strategic analysis model significantly increases capability of the existing SWOT analysis methodology. The model enables to estimate relations within the SWOT matrix and to present the results to decision makers who are responsible for choosing the strategy relying on the experts’ opinions. The model is oriented on computer support of decision making processes in the field of university management that dramatically reduces time to be spent to process the estimates and choice of the strategy for further implementation. The system is developed using the technology of web applications creation ASP.NET (C#) on the.NET Framework 4.0, IIS platform and SQL Server 2008 database management system. End users of the system should have an access either to a local network of a university or to the Internet. The system has been approbated by using SWOT analysis one of leading faculties of the Kyrgyz State Technical University as a case study. The approbation results are suggested to be used as a reference model. The proposed approach gives an opportunity to evaluate strategies by divisions of a university, while expert-based evaluation of strategies enables to make the best choice soundly justified. |